This year, Tok sponsored another seven family members of the Gombakclan. She decided not to join the group this year because of the pain she has been suffering around her ankle making it difficult for her to walk. Aunty Connie, Uncle Onn, Chop, Ani, Meer, Ira and Shasha were selected for the trip and Chop took the opportunity to bring along his son, Harith to join the entourage.
Before they left for KLIA last Thursday, 3 June 2010, they gathered at Tok's house to say goodbye to her. The rest of the Gombakclanners, Tok Unggal and Tok Su were there to send them off. They are scheduled to return home on 13 June 2010.
By now, they are already in Mecca and have performed their first umrah. Hope they will remain healthy despite the hot weather condition and the constructions surrounding Masjidil Haram.
InsyAllah semua akan selamat menjalankan umrah...semoga haji menyusul!
Alhamdulillah Uncle, berita yang kami terima semuanya selamat mengerjakan umrah kali ke-empat. Tapi, rombongan kali ni tak berpeluang berkenalan dengan Uncle macam rombongan kami dulu dan tak berkesempatan melawat Al-Safwah. Mungkin ada rezeki di lain masa.
Alhamdulillah .. Berkat doa sanak saudara dan rakan2, rombongan kami telah selamat mengerjakan ibadat umrah dan pulang ke tanah air pada 13 June yg lepas. Inshaallah kami bertekad utk mengerjakan Haji dan ziarah Umrah lagi dlm tempoh masa yg terdekat.
Alhamdulliah Chop. Semoga niat yang ikhlas untuk kembali ke tanah suci akan dimakbulkan Allah swt. Syukur semuanya selamat pulang dan semoga amal ibadah di tanah suci diterima Allah swt, insyaAllah.
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