Our daughter, Quistina Dini is currently studying in MTS and she will be sitting for her PMR this coming October 2009. Many people have been asking us about the school and how we came up with the decision to send her there. MTS is a fully residential school, sama macam SBP cuma bukan under Kementerian Pelajaran. MTS adalah sebuah sekolah di bawah kelolaan Yayasan Islam Kelantan (YIK) di bawah Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan. We didn’t know about the school until Dini voiced her intention to learn tahfiz after she sat for her UPSR in 2006. We asked around and search the internet for sekolah tahfiz and our ustaz mentioned about a newly opened school which combined science and tahfiz in Kelantan. At that time, the school in Tanah Merah was under construction and the students were temporarily housed in Beranang, Tumpat.
Dini, together with more than 1,000 applicants had to go through tough screening process. They were tested in both oral and written. The oral test includes the ability to memorise one page of Al-Quran within an hour. Out of 1,000+ applicants, only 200 were successful and Dini was lucky to be one of them. Dini was even more fortunate because she was among the first batch to study in the new school complex in Tanah Merah. The school is not like other ordinary co-ed school. The boys and girls are kept separated. Even the dining hall is separated by a wall in between. They even have separate slot to go to the canteen to buy food. The architect responsible must have given a lot of thoughts when he designs the school. I was impressed and personally felt that this should be the way forward.
MTS offers 4 areas of studies throughout the 5 years – Al-Quran, Arab, Agama and Academic. I remembered Dini studying about 19 subjects when she was in Form 1 and subjects relating to agama such as hadith, tafsir, sirah were all taught in Arabic. Poor girl, she only learnt Arabic in sekolah agama and scored B in her PSRA and UPKK. We were worried about her, whether she could cope with all the subjects, learn Arabic and most importantly memorise 6 juzuk of Al-Quran in her first year. As expected, she didn’t do that well in her first year, she was placed around 60 out of 200 students in the final exam. Dini as we know her, is very determine and she will do what it takes to be the best. She surprised us when she managed to get number one in her final exam last year. We were touched by her determination and will power to succeed. Hope she will do equally well in her PMR. Good Luck Dini…and we are proud of you.
kak dada,
really salute Dini. My hubby's niece really wanna go to this type of school. I'll tell her about this school...but it looks like bukan senang nak masuk sek ni kan?
She definitely will....so, what's for bukak posa tonight? Sini baru masuk Asar!
The Principal,
Thanks, hope she will excel in her PMR. But I am more worried about her brother yang nak ambik UPSR next week. He too wants to join Dini, provided he score good results lah. Otherwise, competition is just too tough. I will be writing more about MTS.
InsyaAllah, we are hoping for the best for Dini.
Hari ni IQ buka dengan officemate. So, the kids and I beli ajer kat Pasar Ramadhan. We had nasi kerabu, nasi putih with kari ayam and keli goreng cili api. Ada popiah basah, ondeh2 and tahu sumbat. Endless choice...
Salam kenal..
Saya berminat nak tau ttg sek ni,anak saya pun UPSR next week..mudah-mudahan dpt masuk sek tahfiz juga..
Salam kenal kembali...
Sama-samalah kita berjuang dengan anak-anak kita minggu depan. semoga berjaya. InsyaAllah, saya akan menulis lebih lanjut mengenai MTS. Feel free to ask about the school ok. Thanks for deopping.
Salam Dada...
Sesaje lalu lalang kat blog bj and I saw urs...eh!..Dada ade blog le...gambar romantis gitu..hihi!
Nice one la..awat tak habaq kat geng stf?
Yeap..kita pun sekecut perut...anak sulung nak pmr ( and Dini plus madah!)..sesama kita berdoa Dada sempena mengambil keberkatan bulan Ramadhan yang mulia......
Salam Eta
Baru berjinak2 dengan blogging nih. Tu yang tak diwar2kan lagi. Anyway, sekarang nih tengah berperang dengan UPSR (Faiz. PMR tu lepas raya lah pulak. InsyaAllah, semoga anak2 kita berjaya. Thanks for dropping by. Selamat Berbuka.
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