I went to see her concert for the Secretaries Week in 2004 at PWTC with my staff at KUB, Azilah, Sue and Is. At that time, she invited Fazley and Saiful Apek and the concert was really worth the money paid. Couldn't remember how much the ticket was but I think it was more than RM200. We had a great time and after the concert, we waited in a long queue to take photograph with her and got her autograph.

I guess after a while, the interest slowly fade away especially after her marriage and the way she covers herself now. But I still listen to her songs once in a while, buy her latest album and follow her on facebook. Today, I received an update in the facebook that she will be coming to Watson, Pavillion to promote her new cosmetic products, SimplySiti and since it is just next door, I went and bought two of her products and had the chance to say hello and took a photo with her. All the best Siti...

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