Today marked our 16th anniversary. That's the official number! The unofficial is 24th...since we first met 24 years ago when we both were in KPP/ITM, Shah Alam. I know many of my friends met their life partner there including me. At that time, we were only 18. Still young to be thinking of marriage, family and kids. Tapi itulah yang dinamakan jodoh.
It was a long distance love affair and the 8 years before we finally tie the knot was full of challenges. But hubby is loyal to the relationship, it was really extrordinary. Eventhough we were seperated thousand of miles, he kept faithful. He was in New Zealand and I was in UK and at that time our mean of communications were through telephone and letters. There were no e-mail, internet, facebook, twitters, mobile phone like what we have now. Glad we did not have all those stuff, kalau tidak tak graduate lah sebab asyik chatting.
Every morning I would wait for Mr Postman to deliver the aerogrames. There was no mail box then, but the letters were pushed through a hole fixed at the door. So, whenever I hear the "sound", I would rush to the door to collect the letters. That was my daily routine. Hubby loves writing aerogramme and he would number them accordingly. So, whenever I received more than one aero/letters, I would read according to the sequence. Kalau tidak, cerita tak ikut episodlah. The number could reach 450++ a year which means he sometimes wrote more than 2/3 aeros a day...
It was a scary moment whenever the phone bills arrived, every 3 months. Mine alone would go up to 400 pound when our allowance at that time was only 286 pound a month! So, you can imagine how tough it was to settle the bill. Pening kepala....but we managed somehow!!
I was still in UK when my mum called me one day to say that hubby came and visited them in Kuantan. That was a brave move and that took me by surprise. I knew then that he was really serious about the whole thing.
That was my side of the story...I shall let him continue...stay tune,
Dear DadaIq.
Never knew...tell me more...tell me more....dah seronok baca nih....IQ, go ahead mannn...can't wait!
Thanks Uncle,
Hehehe....long distance love affair lah Uncle...will ask him to write pulak...
Selamat ulang tahun perkahwinan Dada..muga barakah hingga ke akhir hayat!..
Owhh..saya juger penunggu setia pada pak posman...zaman2 kat Uk...
p/s:...true..very true..gamaknya kalu ade all those internet thing....tak graduate juger kiter...tata!..and nice pic too..sgt romantik!
Terima Kasih Eta. Memang tak boleh lupa nostalgia zaman dekat UK dulu2. Memang mencabar. Tak tau lah macamana anak2 kita esok, dengan semua benda2 yang makin canggih zaman sekarang. Jangan dia orang pulak kantoi sudah lah.
Dada and IQ, happy happy 16th anniversary! I'm sure many more celebrations will come over the years.
Where are you guys celebrating it tonite?
Hai, cerita cinta engkorang ni memang manis. Over long distance, boleh sustain. But now, selalu je nak tersenget... so no need, ok?
It's good that you write/reminisce about the past. Kinda bring back those sweet memories, kan, and make you fall in love all over again with him...
See you both later!
Hi Gina
Thank you for the wish. It's not a romantic candle light dinner kind of celebration. Just lepak session at Karaoke Pavillion accompanied by Mr and MrsNordin. Jomlah join sekali.
Thanks again for the wish. Tersenget??? Memang pun...asam garam kehidupan.
Kalau nak cerita kisah kita orang ni, satu novel pun tak habis! Itu pun banyak dah skip2. May be you can write my "story" better cause you've been there with me since it all started.
kak dada,
congrats. wishing you happiness always..
Hi Principal
Thanks. Had a simple but wonderful celebration last nite with Mr and MrsNordin. Will story later.
salam dada
happy anniversary... i didnt know it was a long distance rltnshp. Thot both of u went to uk.
such loyalty!
may the years ahead bring much more happiness, love, success, wellness and wealth too... (err... more children ada masuk book ke? hehe)
p/s Dini tu....such a beauty!! lawanya!!
Salam Ieja,
Hubby was in SAM and left for NZ when I was still stuck in NCUK!!! Hehehe. Anyway, thanks for the wish. Tak tu lah if later on berjangkit from you pulak! Who knows. As for Dini, jangan puji lebih2, nanti dia perasan pulak!! hehe.
happy anniversary DadaIQ... phewww!£400!! how did u manage the living expenses then? ada ka 'along mau tolong'? kalau bagi aku duit tu dulu, shopping sakan aku beli Royal Albert kat Potteries, Staffordshire.
Salam Eina,
Thanks for the wish.
Along memang parentslah!!! Kena lah SOS bila dah sengkek! Tapi boleh lagi bawak balik Queen Anne dan macam2 benda lain beli kat Bradford and Argos!!!
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